Consider these questions: Does your work occupy a significant part of your life? Are you a workaholic who receives and sends office calls and emails even on weekends? Do you pull a nighter at your workspace to meet the deadlines simply because your home space doesn’t allow for a professional attitude to sustain? If the answers to all the questions above are in the affirmative, then this blog might just be what you’ve been longing to read.
We all know how important it is to keep a balance between personal and professional lives. We also know that your child’s assignment due on Monday is as important as the presentation you’ve been working on for your clients. In such a scenario, it is best to set out a small room of space for your work in the house. But quite naturally, this part of the house must bear semblance to your workspace.
Most of us have a habit of hoarding mounts of relics, antiques and other home décor accessories to personalize our space. More often than not, what ends up happening is a house full of clutter where cleaning, disposing of, and organizing becomes quite stressful. Not just that, even for people who can manage to clean such spaces will find that there remains no scope for the ventilation of air and good energy.
A Zen believer would know that simplicity and minimalism can work wonders to make us feel uplifted and focused. A de-cluttered home space also indicates a de-cluttered mindscape which naturally leads to better use of time and more efficiency in work. A look at the technological developments would also reveal that storing or using a single source of gadget or application to perform our multiple functions is a smarter way to work.
Listed below are some quick tips that can make your scrappy home cum workspace look neat and wonderful! So let’s get started?

- Even as digitalization has made the use of paper entirely redundant and much of our work now is paperless, we haven’t still reached that era where the paper is a thing of the past. Whether it be a client report or agreement or a ‘to do list’, we use a lot of paper which constitutes a significant part of the clutter that we create. And as procrastination is an innate quality in most of us, we keep stacking these unimportant pages for months. Remember, it is the little things that are harder to dispose of. Thus, it’s important that we have a trash box at a convenient distance from our work table so we can regularly dispose of paper and other stationary material that is no longer of any use.
- Colors play a crucial part in deciding the sensations or the vibes we feel. A dark and dingy room, wallpapered with dull and deep colours like brown or purple can make everything in life seem gloomy.

On the other hand, light colours such a white or turquoise blue are suggestive of calmness, tranquility and serenity. These colours reflect back and also make spaces appear bigger than they are. If these colours seem monotonous, you could pep them up with small size paintings or photographs or artistic designs that convey your personality.
- Another way to minimize the contents that your room occupies is to make them multi-purpose. For instance, your chair or table could also act as a trash can on the inside. Using convertible furniture or innovatively creating space for two things instead of one can significantly lessen the clutter.
- Give your workspace a formal look so you can work seriously in it. Do not, for instance, place any gadget there for your distraction. Remove all things that you feel contribute to making it look laidback and too informal. Furthermore, things like cables can make a place look even more convoluted than it actually is. Assign a place and categorize your requirements.

- Having lots of tables and closets on the floor can take up a lot of areas making the place seemed crammed up. Instead, get shelves made on the walls. Put stuff up on shelves help departmentalize better and also makes everything appear in entirety which may help you to locate that missing file easily.
Let go of the unimportant because less is the new more!