Hanging curtains is an activity every single person owning a house has to go through. Whereas not only the job of a person who owns a house, someone who is living in rent has to go through this tedious task too. But, at times, the procedure becomes tedious and harms the beauty of the house. The drills done to fix the supports for the curtains are a nightmare for every interior designer who wants to have their walls beautiful and decorated.

To overcome the tedious task of hanging the curtains with ease, follow up with the blog to get tips and tricks, hacks to hang the curtains quickly in an easy way. This will surely help you out and bring the best of the curtains that will match up with the house perfectly.

The first one is a simple solution available widely in the market, you do not need to drill any holes in the wall, your living room is well as new as it was when you first saw it. Also, no need to put any fillers in the holes to fill them to hide those scars in your favourite walls. You can always paint them to loom as new as it before. For this, there are command hooks available in the market. You can buy these or order online through any e-commerce platform to be readily delivered to your home.

Once you have these handy hooks in your belonging, you only need to worry where to place them and if you can reach the heights for the place. Else, you can always call for your spouse or take the help of a neighbour. You need a steel square, though it is optional. The only purpose of the square is to make it straight angle, parallel to your window frame. Then, you fit the command hook in right angle to the window frame, this helps in proper setting of the curtain rod, and finally the curtains are set straight, improving the decoration of your house. Then, you put the curtain bar on the command hook and your setting is ready to hang those curtains. These will not damage your walls, and you can always remove them without any scars left behind on your walls.

Also there are various types of vacuum hangers available to support your curtain rods so that they can be stuck to your walls and they can easily take the weight of your curtains. Also, these rods are available in different designs which will definitely suit your home decor.
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