There are various reasons as to why your home could smell like wet leather or a lot worse; the culprit could be your shoes, or the vegetables you left to rot on the counter and the list goes on. However, here are some amazing ways by which you can remove all those bad smells from your home and in the process, make it smell better.
The dishwasher makeover: Dishwashers are bound to pick up odors because of their functionality. One neat trick to make your dishwasher smell better is by using a packet of cool aid, preferably lemon. And with that, your dishwasher should smell great again.
Shower fresh
If you find that your shower stall is packing an odor, then all you need to do is to tie a bunch of eucalyptus to the corner stall and it should start smelling fresh again. Apart from removing bad odors, the eucalyptus should enable you to relax as well, when taking your shower.
Essential oils

One of the best ways to remove any underlying odors from your home is to use a few drops of essential oils on the air filter and let it circulate through your house. You can use any essential oil from rosemary to lavender but the end result will be the same; a house that smells fresh
It’s coffee time
One neat trick to making your home smell like fresh brewed coffee is to brew some but the other way would be to gather some coffee beans in a cup, light a vanilla scented candle and place it on top of it. It should result in a vanilla infused coffee smell pervading your home all over.
One neat way to avoid stinking shoes or to avoid sweating in the same is to spray the insides of the shoes with dry shampoo. That should do the trick and your shoes should not ‘stink’ up any longer.
Garbage disposal
Disposing the garbage is always a smelly affair but here is one trick that you can use to get your garbage to smell better, use frozen lemon rinds with white vinegar and freeze the same. Use as often as required and your garbage should start smelling a lot better.
Homemade potpourri

Use your stove to crank up some amazing smells; you could simmer cinnamon sticks with vanilla extract, rosemary. Almonds extract with cider and get your rooms to smell just divine.
Homemade filters
You can rig up your own air filter in no time at all and remember to use a few drops of essential oils so that as the air filter kicks in, it will get your room smelling a lot better.
Bake Vanilla
Another neat trick to remove the bad odors is to bake some vanilla extract in your oven at 300 degrees for twenty minutes or so. That should get your home smelling fresh, sans any rank odors.
With these tips, you should be able to have your home smelling fresh in no time at all.