Tips to help you make your home cosy and warm for the winter

By December 20, 2017Blog

It’s not long back when we used the phrase ‘Winter is coming’ until the realization dawned upon that winter is finally here. Apart from wardrobe changes from summer to winter stock, there is a need to make your home more comfortable and cosy for all the occupying residents and guests alike. New furniture cannot be bought every season so it is important to get a little innovative and make your place warm to enjoy the harsh weather with ease. Here are some tips to help you make your home cosy and warm for the winters

1) A Fireplace


If you have a working fireplace at home then use it efficiently to warm the living room or the main hall. Keep it under supervision, do not keep it lit for long and use a glass plate in front to stay protected from the smoke. If you have a non-working fireplace, then seal it completely to prevent heat loss and cold winds entering your house.

2) Comforters and Sheets

For your bedroom, make it as cosy and comfortable as possible. You can do that by using comforters, sheets and thick blankets. You can put some covers on sofa and other furniture too to lessen the cold effect of furniture.

3) Floor Rugs

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It is important to cover your floors by a rug as it traps heat and keep the place insulated. Thick furry rugs can be put in living hall and dining room. Your bedroom can also be covered with it.

4) Doors and Windows

A lot of chilly air comes in through cracks and openings in doors and windows. Seal the cracks (draughts) and put tape on the openings and sides of the windows. Use a towel or cloth as a door sweep to prevent air coming in from under the door. Also keep your doors and windows shut most of the times.

5) Curtains


Use curtains wherever possible to prevent loss of heat. Put them on the windows, doors or other open spaces. Thicker curtains are better insulators but you can also buy cheap ones if under a budget.

6) Sunlight

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This is the most important and easiest way to keep your place warm during day time. Open the curtains and let the sunlight in as much as possible. It will also insulate your furniture and rooms. Close the curtains as soon as it’s evening to retain the heat.

7) Reversing ceiling fans

Most modern day fans come with a reverse switch. It is an effective way to warm the room as the fan will move in a reverse direction and push down the heat trapped in the ceiling.

8) Walls

Walls emit out a cold and frigid effect. As soon as shut down your heaters, walls are the first thing to lose heat. Hence it is important to cover your walls to the maximum. Cover them with either photos or posters or an art piece. If possible put curtain rings and hang curtains to prevent the chillness.

Using heaters regularly and for a long time can be immensely costly. You need a way to keep your warm and your bills low. Thus, these tips will be helpful for a mellow and pleasant winter.

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