Summer is not just a season in India- it’s a lifestyle. We dress ourselves in looser shirts, apply plenty of sunscreen and hydrate ourselves more often to bring down our body temperatures. As interior designers, here is where we tell you to take such steps to cool down your house as well. Prioritize making more space, using light colors, pastel shades in furniture and mostly white bases as they bounce heat from the sun right back instead of absorbing them in like dark colours. Below are some pointers to keep your house light and airy for the summers:
Lighter shades of paint colors, furniture and accessories are a sure shot way to maintain a breezy feel in the room during dry days and sultry nights. Pale pastels, cool greys and blue tones are best alternatives to using white all over. They create the same pleasant aesthetic as whites with an additional young, fresh look.

Natural materials especially linen fabrics add comfort along with a airy effectiveness in guiding in a soft whimsy outlook to the interiors.
Remove elaborate flooring or carpets and replace with small rugs made with natural fiber. This promotes clean and healthy environment along with cooling down the room.

Incorporate white blinds or thin screens to block out sunlight and watch your room drop in temperature considerably. White window shades look splendid with light bedding sets and natural textiles on sofas.
Organize your mess to create free space on tables, floors and walls. Minimalism is the key to good summer decor.
Houseplants of tall lengths and big leaf sizes, when placed on windowsills or balconies, block out sunlight effectively. They create shade, their soil humidifies the air, they bring moisture into the room, provide fresh air circulation and instantly freshen up the space.

Contemporary and simplistic lighting fixtures help keep the heat down during the days. Use fluorescent bulbs to decrease light heat emitted in the nights.
Include vases with water as centerpieces as they emit moisture to the air and balance out the dry summer days.

Declutter around windowsills and door for easy open/ close access and creating more room around the house for better air circulation.
Hammocks and hanging beds are fun ideas to bring home this summer. Whether it’s out in the shade of your yard or in a living room corner- hammocks blur the lines between indoor and outdoor furniture. Relax and have a mini “staycation” in your very home with the swings.
Exteriors in white or pastel colors are an excellent option for Indian homes for the sole reason of reflecting away sunlight. Use light paints for your roof, house exteriors and even sunshades.
Outdoor showers may seem extraordinary but they are a definite change and fun experience for your kids to wash off the day’s heat.
Small changes and a few quirky shifts in your décor is all that is required to turn your house from a hot, uncomfortable mess to a beautiful, fresh and relaxing adobe. Reach out to us at Atom Interiors to assist you professionally in bringing home these changes.